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4 min read
Its official. pH is becoming the new collagen! The skincare market has begun to introduce pH focused products such as moisturisers, toners, and cleansers. If you're like most people, you probably don't think about the pH of your skin on a day-to-day basis. But the fact is, it can have a big impact on the appearance and health of your skin. The skin’s pH is constantly changing based on your diet, sleep, the products you are using, and environment you live in.
So, what is skin pH, why does it matter and how can you maintain healthy levels?
Firstly, pH actually stands for potential hydrogen which is basically the balance and/or ratio of acid-alkaline. Taking it back to basics, pH is a scale from 1 to 14 that measures the acidity or basicity of any substance. Remember the scale from chemistry at school? Bleach has a pH of 12, making it highly base, lemon juice is highly acidic with a pH of 2, and water is considered neutral with a pH of 7.
Every part of the human body has an ideal pH level, generally fluctuating between 4.5 and 5.5. This slightly acidic pH helps protect our skin from germs and free radicals, as well as keeping it hydrated and nourished.
However, it’s important to remember that your skin pH is constantly changing. The products you’re using, your diet, sleeping patterns, skin routine, air pollution, the season and skin type all play a role in the pH of your skin.
Gender and age can also have an effect:
pH has a big impact on how your skin functions, your skin barrier, cell turnover, hydration, bacteria growth and sensitivity.
If your skin’s pH becomes too alkaline, its ability to stay hydrated becomes affected which can lead to dryness, sensitivity, redness and irritation. It can also exacerbate pre-existing conditions such as dermatitis or rosacea.
If your pH balance becomes too acidic, your skin may feel oily or greasy, feel irritated and be more prone to inflammation.
While skin pH can be measured using at-home kits or by dermatologists, there are also several common signs that may indicate your skin’s pH is off. Skin that is soft and supple means your skin pH is in a healthy range.
Some of the signs to look out for are:
There isn’t just one ideal skin pH type, there’s no one-size-fits-all way to maintain a balanced skin pH. Some of our Skin Republic products that we recommend are:
One of the main ways people upset their skin pH is by being too aggressive in their skincare regime. Here are some other tips to ensure your skincare routine will help maintain a healthy skin pH:
As with most skin issues, a healthy lifestyle is key to maintaining healthy skin. So, ensure you’re eating a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of water every day.
If you have any serious skin concerns, consult a dermatologist who can recommend the best products for your skin type and issues.